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Z Properties Has Office Building in the Works for Pennsylvania Ave in Winter Park

This luxury residential and commercial builder is building a white building right next door to their other white building.

A two story 5,494 sq ft office building, one two story single family home and 16 parking spaces are in the works for the property at 301 N Pennsylvania Ave in Winter Park. The project is by Z Properties luxury residential and commercial builder which also owns the office building and property next door at 271 N. Pennsylvania Ave. The two buildings will share a newly configured 32 spot parking lot.

The single family home is the lynchpin for getting this building built. The project is in what's known as Neighborhood Planning Area H: Hannibal Square. The City discourages land use amendments that put medium or high density projects into single family and low density residential areas. If zoning changes are approved, and housing potential is lost, it must be compensated either financially or by providing housing potential elsewhere. That is exactly what the applicant proposes to do with this single family house.

Three amendments were required for office buildingt:

  1. Approval to amend the “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use map from Low Density Residential to Parking Lot designation on the eastern 67 feet of the residentially designated portion of 301 N. Pennsylvania Avenue was carried unanimously with a 6-0 vote.

  2. Approval to amend the official zoning map to change from Low Density (R-2) District Zoning to Parking Lot (PL) zoning on the eastern 67 feet of the residentially designated portion of 301 N. Pennsylvania Avenue was carried unanimously with a 6-0 vote.

  3. Approval for a two-story, 5,494 square foot retail/office building, parking lot and a two-story residential home on the property at 301 N. Pennsylvania Avenue subject to the following conditions recommended by staff and agreed to by the applicant was carried unanimously with a 6-0 vote. One condition is that the house must receive its Certificate of Occupancy before the single family home. The other condition was that Z Properties dedicate to the City a utility easement over the front (east) five feet of this property.


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