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Carobama BBQ Truck Closing

Carobama BBQ Truck (Web | Instagram) is closing its doors effective this Friday after 9 years in business. The owners, Brandon and Lora Grant, told The Daily City that while their BBQ business is successful, the food truck industry itself is a bit too consuming for them and they wish to focus on their children and parents more. The owners will be moving to Alabama.

The business began June 2010 as a very small, catering side-business for the couple. That business soon grew to include Caro-Bama BBQ Food Truck. In January 2018, a counter service location inside North Quarter Market, was opened which closed a year later.

Note from the Editor: "The Daily City has run food truck events all across Central Florida since 2011 and has worked very closely with the owners of this truck almost since the beginning. Brandon and Lora are two of the nicest people we've had the pleasure of working with all these years. We at The Daily City wish the couple and their family nothing but success. They will be very much missed."


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