The City of Orlando is awarding 22 grants totaling $141,500 in the second cycle of the Mayor's Matching Grant Program. The grant term will commence on June 1, 2019 and will be completed on or before May 31, 2020. All activities and projects will take place within the City of Orlando.
This represents 17 awards to schools and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations (ranging from $1,500 to $10,000) and 5 awards of up to $5,000 to neighborhood organizations.
Schools and tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organizations are awarded matching grants of up to $10,000 and are encouraged to partner with neighborhood organizations, community groups and business partners to offer programs that engage our City's youth in constructive, adult supervised activities during non-school hours.
Neighborhood organizations are awarded matching grants of up to $5,000 to implement physical improvements, public safety, sustainability or educational projects that benefit neighborhood residents. Grant awards are matched dollar for dollar by the applicant using a combination of volunteer labor, cash and/or in-kind donations of goods or services.
The Mayor's Matching Grants are awarded on a bi-annual basis. All approved grants serve the best interests of the City of Orlando and do not violate any local, state, or federal law or state of federal constitutional provision.
Funding Recommendations:
$ 7,000.00 Adult Literacy League - Adult Literacy League & Orange County Public Schools' Teen Parent Program Partnership
$ 8,000.00 ArtReach Orlando Inc. - ArtReach Orlando's Artists in Wondercamp
$ 10,000.00 Blankner School PTSA - Blankner Innovates: Full STEAM Ahead
$ 3,000.00 Carter Street Neighborhood Association, Inc.- Community Building through Educational & Cultural Opportunities
$ 7,000.00 Central Florida Community Arts - CFCArts Children and Youth Art Program so for Foster Children and At-Risk Youth
$ 1,000.00 College Park Neighborhood Association - Lake Adair Mural
$ 5,000.00 Conway Falcons Football and Cheerleading League - 4A - Athletic, Academic and Anti-Violence Activities
$ 10,000.00 Early Learning Coalition of Orange County - ELCOC Family Literacy Initiative
$ 9,000.00 Florida Leadership Venture dba Elevate Orlando - Jones Elevate Beyond
$ 7,000.00 Gifted Ones dba The PLUG - The PLUG
$ 4,000.00 Hero Spark, Inc. - Hero Spark's After-School Adventures: Downtown Branch
$ 9,000.00 iEmpathize - The Empower Youth Program Orlando (EYPO)
$ 1,500.00 Junior League of Greater Orlando, Inc. - HIP Kids Events Health Fair
$ 10,000.00 Orange County Library System - It's Sew Easy Camps for Teens and Tweens/Sunshine State Author Series
$ 10,000.00 Orlando Ballet, Inc. - Scholarship Training for the Enrichment of Primary Students (STEPS)
$ 8,000.00 Steinway Society - After-School Piano Lesson Program
$ 4,000.00 Thornton Park District - Thornton Park District Banner Installation
$ 9,000.00 University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc. dba UCF Foundation - GeoBus At UCF
$ 3,000.00 Urban Think Foundation dba Page 15 - Page 15 - Youth Literacy Program
$ 5,000.00 Vista Lakes Community Association - Accessibility Update
$ 6,000.00 WeFam United, Inc. - WeFam Summer Camp
$ 5,000.00 West Lakes Partnership - Traffic Box Art Project, Phase 1
