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OUC Substation Coming to Ivanhoe Village

Ivanhoe Village is on its way to getting a new utility substation on a 6.4 acre piece of property called OUC Lake Highland at the corner of N. Magnolia and N. Orange. A utility substation is a set of equipment reducing the high voltage of electrical power transmission to that suitable for supply to consumers.

A small scale Growth Management Plan amendment goes before City Council June 17th to do the following:

  1. Change the property's Future Land Use Designation from Urban Village to Public, Recreational, Institutional

  2. Amend the Boundary of Subarea Policy S.14.5 to exclude the subject property

  3. Rezone it from PD/T/SP to P/T/SP

The City is recommending the Council approve ordinance number 2019-39 on first reading and request that the Mayor and City Clerk present the draft ordinance for second reading and public hearing at the next regular City Council meeting.


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