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City Beautiful Hopes to Become the City Bike-able

The City of Orlando will host “Bike Orlando Open House” to provide updates and gather input on current bike and cycling projects that will close critical network gaps and improve safety and connectivity for our bicyclists.

The Bike Orlando Open House will take place Thursday, October 3rd starting at 5:30pm at the First United Methodist Church, 142 East Jackson Street (MAP).

Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback on a citywide map of proposed bicycle infrastructure improvements for the Bicycle Plan Update. Staff will also be seeking input on three proposed options that will result in an alignment to connect Gertrude’s Walk to the Downtown Connector Trail.

At the Bike Orlando Open House, City of Orlando Transportation Senior Planner, Ian Sikonia, will be available for interviews on the city’s efforts to date and plans for the future to continue enhancing biking in Orlando.


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